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I Speak English: Mahmoud Ibrahim

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I Speak English-Mahmoud Ibrahim XITALNTS

As I meet and interact with Tunisians I often feel a bit intimidated by their seemingly endless talent. Their ability leads them to engage with different layers of society in multiple languages at once.  Mahmoud Ibrahim is a great example of a talented young Tunisia who uses English to engage with the colorful tapestry that is Tunisia.  I met up with Mahmoud at the Station in Centerville, Tunis to talk with him about how English effects his work.  

Multiply Tunisia‘s goal is to capture the entrepreneurial spirit of Tunisia by highlighting the influencers in its startup, social innovation and artistic communities.  We are also interested in tracking the growing impact of English on these sectors the effects this will have on Tunisian Culture. 

Multiply Tunisia is created, written and produced by XITALNTS in collaboration with….