As You Start 2020...


As you bring in the New Year, you are no doubt thinking about your goals and resolutions for 2020. While establishing your objectives for the coming year is a necessary task for your business, organization or project, XITALNTS would like to offer a suggestion at this critical time of decision making. 

Rather than simply setting goals, agendas or objectives, try setting a theme for the coming year.

A theme can be an idea, image or word.  It can be a phrase, symbol or color.  Regardless of what theme you choose, the purpose of the theme is to help guide to through the coming year.  It acts like gravity, bringing you back to your original state.   Goals and objectives can change depending on the unforeseen circumstances that may arise, but a theme helps you navigate through both challenges and opportunities that will come your way.  A theme helps clarify the steps that you take to see success.

For example: say you choose the word ‘bold’ as your theme. As decisions present themselves, your theme will help you choose the bold course of action. 

How do you set a theme?

There are several different ways.  Journaling or drawing my help stir your imagination.  If you notice that you keep landing on certain images or symbols, try focusing in.  Setting aside times of meditation or reflection can prove to be helpful as well.  If you are religious, reading your holy book, prayer and fasting are proven ways to guide you as you pick your theme and set the direction for the months in front of you.  

Regardless of the method your chose, setting a theme is a helpful strategy to maintain focus throughout the year.  If you are feeling a bit adventurous, take advantage of this unique time; the start of a new year.   Take extra time to a theme that will ground you for the coming ten years as well.